
Automotive Supplier

Future-oriented solutions in the automotive supply industry
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Digital technologies and innovative solutions

In the fast-paced automotive supply industry, our customers are at the heart of our mission. As your trusted advisor, we understand the challenges you face - from the need to speed up innovation and reduce costs to integrating the latest technologies. We are more than just a service provider; we are a partner with expertise in digital engineering, innovation management and enterprise architecture management.

Our approach is proactive and goal-oriented: we encourage our clients to take the initiative with us and shape the future of their business. We provide a clear plan to achieve their strategic goals. We use digital technologies and innovative solutions to increase their efficiency and competitiveness.

By avoiding common pitfalls and minimizing risks, we stand by our clients as a reliable partner in the sustainable achievement of their business goals.

Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI)

Fostering digital transformation in the Automotive Supplier industry

In the context of digital transformation, it is critical for automotive suppliers to know exactly how mature their manufacturing processes are. The Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI) provides a comprehensive and independent assessment of manufacturers' digital maturity and helps companies successfully navigate their digital transformation journey.

Benefits for the automotive supply industry


  1. Digital Maturity Assessment: SIRI enables companies to identify targeted areas for strategic improvement in their processes, technologies, and organization. This enables informed decision-making and effective management of digital transformation efforts.
  2. Benchmark against other companies: Comparing your Industry 4.0 maturity with other manufacturers worldwide provides valuable insight into your market position, allowing you to better position yourself against competitors.
  3. Prioritize transformation efforts: SIRI helps you develop actionable roadmaps that ensure optimal performance and resource allocation. This enables you to drive digital transformation projects in a targeted and efficient manner.
  4. Neutrality and confidentiality: Certified assessments are conducted by independent third parties, ensuring anonymity and impartiality. This creates trust and transparency in the collaboration.

Our expertise with SIRI

Our experts at Detecon are SIRI-certified and have the necessary experience and know-how to support automotive suppliers in their digital transformation. We combine technical expertise with strategic consulting to develop customized solutions for our customers.

Rely on the proven advantages of SIRI and benefit from our expertise to successfully master your digital transformation. Together, we can fully exploit the opportunities of digitalization and sustainably increase your competitiveness in the automotive supply industry.

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Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI): Areas of Application

Our Services

In a time of constant change and technological innovation, we are your reliable partner for the challenges and opportunities in the industry. Our expertise covers the entire supplier sector as well as OEMs. We help you to make the right decisions for sustainable success. Find out how we can support you on your path to the industry of tomorrow.

Industrial Connectivity

Industrial connectivity enables the seamless networking of machines and systems in production, allowing data to be exchanged in real time and processes to be monitored efficiently. By integrating different technologies and ensuring their interconnectivity, a flexible and responsive production environment is created. This connectivity not only enables improved data analysis and process optimization, but also makes a significant contribution to increasing efficiency and reducing costs.

Read more about Industrial Connectivity


Detecon offers a holistic approach to sustainability consulting that focuses on digital technologies for sustainable resource efficiency, known as "digitainability". This approach integrates digitalization and sustainability to support companies in the development and implementation of a digital sustainability strategy. The aim is to firmly anchor sustainability in the corporate culture through a comprehensive governance plan and effective change management.

Read more about Sustainability

Smart Manufacturing

Smart manufacturing refers to the integration of intelligent and networked technologies to optimize production processes. This includes the use of IoT (Internet of Things), AI (artificial intelligence) and real-time data analysis to increase efficiency, quality and flexibility in component manufacturing.

Smart manufacturing allows production processes to be automated and controlled more precisely, resulting in lower costs, improved production times and increased product quality.

It also enables an adaptive and fast-responding production environment that can adapt to changing market requirements and individual customer requests.

Read more about Smart Manufacturing


Data Centric Company

A data centric company in the automotive sector focuses on the central role of data for all business decisions and processes. Extensive data from various sources such as manufacturing, customer interactions and market research is collected, analyzed and used to gain insights into trends, customer behavior and operational efficiency. This approach enables automotive suppliers to tailor their products and services precisely to customer needs, optimize processes and develop innovative business models. Implementing a data-centric strategy promotes cross-cultural data literacy and drives digital transformation throughout the company.

Read our Point-of-View about Data-centric Company

Digital Thread (EAM)

Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) aims to create a clearly structured and efficiently managed IT infrastructure and business process landscape. This approach helps companies to react quickly to market changes and integrate new technologies efficiently. EAM reduces the complexity of the IT landscape, increases cost efficiency and promotes close alignment between business and IT strategies. The optimization of business processes and the improvement of data integration through EAM make a significant contribution to increasing performance and competitiveness in the automotive sector.

Learn more about our EAM-Expertise


Innovation as a service refers to an approach in which companies use specialized services to accelerate and optimize their innovation processes. This model provides access to advanced technologies, expert knowledge and creative methods to quickly develop and implement new ideas. It enables companies to react flexibly to changing market conditions and continuously develop innovative products and solutions without having to bear the full burden of internal development processes. Innovation-as-a-Service therefore supports dynamic change and promotes sustainable growth.

Learn more about our Innovations-Expertise


Detecon offers AI workshops that focus on automating generic tasks with the help of AI tools and plugins. These workshops demonstrate how AI solutions can make the working day more efficient by taking over routine tasks and optimizing workflows. The aim is to provide participants with practical knowledge and strategies to fully exploit the potential of artificial intelligence in their business environment.

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