63 percent of utilities and city carriers in Germany are already dealing with the topic of 5G at a strategic level. However, less than one third have made a fundamental decision or even started implementation. These are the results of a current Detecon survey on the implementation of 5G technology in the energy and telco sectors.
Ninety percent of the respondents regard 5G to be significant or highly significant from a general market perspective. In addition, almost half the respondents (45%) see high potential for their own companies.
Twenty-five representatives from energy distribution companies and city carriers in Germany were questioned for the survey “5G in the Energy Business.” More than half of the respondents were executive officers or came from divisions at a similarly high level. The survey was conducted online in May 2019.
Read the interview on 5G and municipal utilities here (only available in german).
The complete market survey with all results is available for download (only available in German).