To analyse the digital maturity in telecommunications companies, a team led by Silvia Flachowsky and Felix Sprenger applied the Digital Maturity Model in workshops and surveys with clients across four different regions: Asia, Europe, Central Africa and South Africa, Middle East and North Africa. The Digital Maturity Model was co-developed by Detecon and the TM Forum and provides a structured and holistic approach to tackling the digital transformation.
For telco industry members, the study provides answers to the following questions:
- What is the general status of digital maturity within telco providers?
- What is the digital maturity level of my current organization compared to that of my regional peers?
- Are there significant outliers among the dimensions?
- Are there significant regional differences?
The results of the study show light and shadow within the organizations of Telcos as well as regional differences. Learn more now and click here!
Find out more now - the study is available for download here.

Detecon Compilation: Digital Maturity Model
Detecon is always very ambitious to contribute to new industry standards and to provide guidance on the topics of Digital Maturity Model, co-developed by Detecon and the TM Forum. The model provides a structured and holistic approach to tackling the digital transformation.
Our compilation on Digital Maturity Model offers access to all the work we have done together with the TM Forum: work that you can use within your company to guide your digital transformation. Deep dive into the vast opportunities here!