Detecon Alumni today: Jan Pfeifer

From when to when did you work at Detecon? What was your position?

I worked at Detecon from May 2016 to September 2020. I started as a Business Analyst, developed into a Consultant and Senior Consultant, and was also responsible for the topics related to New Work for the last two years.

What were the most exciting Detecon moments for you?

The most exciting moments were certainly always important project appointments with seasoned board members or managing directors of our customers. But even beyond that, I had many exciting appointments as part of my other tasks, such as networking with politics and society - I remember especially appointments with Jürgen Rüttgers (former Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia) from the CDU, Christian Lindner from the FDP, Michael Kellner (Managing Director) from the Greens or Thorben Albrecht (Managing Director) from the SPD and appointments with the state and federal government in Düsseldorf and Berlin.

The most beautiful moments, however, were definitely with my colleagues in the context of company celebrations or also privately organized undertakings. I remember this with pleasure and often!

What company do you work for today? What is your primary field of work there?

Today, I work at Fiducia&GAD, one of the largest digitalization and IT service providers in the banking industry. Here, I am responsible for the topic of New Work as part of a group-wide and long-term program that we call Germany Campus 2020+. In addition, I am responsible for a far-reaching transformation program for our students in our company and contribute to topics related to the orientation of our HR.

What did you value especially highly while at Detecon, and what do you miss from the “old days”?

I particularly appreciated the familiar and open corporate culture, which was often referred to as "the Detecon family" for good reason. This was reflected above all in the way we treated each other and worked together and has been something very special for me to this day.

What three hashtags would you use to describe Detecon?





Thank you for the interview, Jan!