
Infrastructure & Innovation Management

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Making Public IT Service Providers Digitally Fit

Service providers for federal states and municipalities should prepare for the challenges posed by digitized administration. In addition to the use of new processes and technologies, the reusability of existing systems must also be made possible. Experience shows that many quick wins in digitization projects can be achieved by using technologies and processes that have evolved over the years. 

At the same time, it is essential to invest in future-proof technologies and, if necessary, to operate them efficiently through cooperative ventures. Technological change depends to a large extent on IT specialists. In addition to sourcing these specialists, there is also the option of establishing personnel and organizational structures in service provider management. Detecon accompanies its clients through the associated challenges by taking a holistic view of the organization combined with a strong technical focus.


Our Services

Detecon provides comprehensive support for IT service providers in public administration in the optimization of the entire value chain:

IT Strategy

An IT strategy defines the overarching goals and fields of action for the IT of an authority/organization. The contents of an IT strategy should apply across the board and be binding. The main task of IT is to provide optimum and needs-based support for the administrative tasks and the political and strategic plans of the respective institution.

The IT strategy is accompanied by comprehensive project management, which makes fundamental decisions about the strategic benefits. In this process, more promising projects are to be prioritized higher than others. Binding structures, rules and processes are used to manage the entire project portfolio in line with corporate objectives. The development and implementation of a comprehensive, central IT strategy is a core competence for Detecon as a leading German management and technology consulting firm. Our tried and tested IT strategy framework is used for this purpose.

Click here for our page "IT Strategy"

IT consolidation Bund

The goal of the federal government's IT consolidation by 2025 is,

  • to bundle the federal government's procurement (procurement bundling),
  • consolidate data centers/hardware (operational consolidation), and
  • to coordinate the software of all federal agencies and make it more secure (service consolidation).

This fundamental modernization project of the federal administration is an essential basis for a reliable and sustainable range of administrative services for citizens and companies.

In addition to the technical challenges posed by such a project, however, it is primarily the IT organizational aspects within an authority/institution that have a significant influence on IT consolidation. In addition to the IT strategy, it is important to address key issues such as ensuring IT security, information management, information security and data protection.

In addition to IT consolidation at the federal level, Detecon also supports consolidation projects at the state and municipal levels. As one of the leading IT and management consultancies, Detecon has extensive experience from the private sector and public administration in the consolidation of data centers and services. 

IT architecture & IT infrastructure

A modern and secure IT infrastructure forms the basis for all services, applications and business models based on it. In this context, the IT infrastructure comprises the technical structures of cloud, data centers, IT equipment, platforms and services. A holistic approach is required to provide a state-of-the-art infrastructure: This includes both the technical design concepts and the future requirements for the building as well as the technical building equipment and IT hardware up to the cloud environment.

Important requirements for the infrastructure are quality, security, cost-effectiveness and ecology coupled with innovation, risk minimization, flexibility, scalability and energy efficiency. In an end-to-end approach from analysis to realization, this means adapting the data center and IT landscape, if necessary, through new construction, optimization, migration or consolidation.

The goal is to find a data center and IT strategy that is optimally adapted to the business model and ensures sustainability and high service quality. We help our customers to develop the optimal strategy and the right technical design and support them all the way to implementation.

Click here for our page "IT Infrastructure"


Public administration has an increasing need to simplify operating models, reduce IT costs and at the same time enable more flexibility. The use of cloud computing can meet these requirements and enables the modernization of the IT landscape.

However, there are no standard solutions for cloud environments. The existing IT infrastructure and processes result in individual requirements for which a suitable cloud strategy must be found. Detecon supports public administration in the development and implementation of a suitable cloud strategy.

In addition, we accompany clients from planning through implementation to final monitoring. Our certified IT architects design the optimal cloud architecture. In close cooperation with our sourcing consultants, we select the best cloud partners for the digital ecosystem at business level (BPaaS), application level (SaaS) and infrastructure level (PaaS and IaaS). In doing so, we take into account business factors as well as legal, regulatory and organizational influencing factors.

We pay particular attention to information and data security for public authorities and institutions. Together with our cyber security experts, we develop secure cloud concepts and secure existing infrastructures.

Click here for our page "Cloud Transformation"

Data Center

Data center and IT infrastructures form the basis of all IT services and processes in public administration. Against the backdrop of new digital processes and the explosive increase in data volumes, the expansion, renewal and optimization of existing data center and IT infrastructures are essential.

Innovative technologies and energy efficiency must be considered along the entire value chain. Detecon helps the client holistically to define an optimal data center and IT strategy, to operationalize it, and to implement it. In this process, all relevant aspects of security, economic efficiency, quality, and environmental protection are evaluated and incorporated into the concepts accordingly. In numerous project examples, we have already been able to prove our expertise and develop and implement precisely fitting target images of future data center and IT landscapes in the public sector.

Click here for our page "IT Infrastructure & Data Center"

Green IT

Green IT helps to make the IT infrastructure energy-saving and resource-conserving. To achieve this, the entire life cycle, including production, operation and disposal, is optimized. The growing data centers and communications networks due to digitization are causing electricity consumption to rise. As a result, not only are energy costs increasing for public administration, but so is the carbon footprint.

In view of climate change, the public sector in particular is expected to reduce its CO2 footprint because of its exemplary function. Detecon helps the administration and its IT service providers to increase the energy efficiency of the IT infrastructure and thus to reduce electricity costs and CO2 emissions. Additional consulting focuses on the purchase of electricity from renewable energy sources and recommendations for the purchase of IT hardware which has been manufactured in a resource-conserving manner. Detecon also offers support in analyzing the CO2 footprint and developing an action plan to realize a CO2-neutral IT infrastructure. The prioritized action plan includes recommendations for reducing the hardware inventory while maintaining the same level of service.

Click here for our page "Green IT"


In the digitization of administrative services, it is essential to protect the required and emerging data and infrastructures. Detecon supports clients in public administration in ensuring secure operation in order to be able to offer citizens secure and reliable administrative services. The main focus is usually on the protection goals of confidentiality, availability, and integrity of data and systems. Detecon offers a wide range of consulting services for this purpose, from conception to testing to implementation of measures for the right level of protection.

A large proportion of administrative services involve sensitive, personal, or personally identifiable data which require a high level of protection. In order to identify what threats exist, the overall situation of the system must be included in the consideration in addition to these specifics. Measures derived from this range from the implementation of regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO) and frameworks such as the BSI Basic Protection to the use of modern technical solutions such as blockchain and artificial intelligence.

Click here for our page "IT-Security / Compliance


Basic IT protection refers to a procedure developed by the German Federal Institute for Information Security (BSI) for identifying and implementing security measures for a company's own information technology. The goal is to achieve the required level of protection. In administration and business, IT-Grundschutz is regarded as the benchmark for setting up a management system for information security and safeguarding information.

The wide range of the BSI-Grundschutz makes it possible to assess the requirements for companies of all sizes. Detecon has already advised a large number of private clients and clients in the public sector on basic IT protection and has a wealth of experience. A secure and practiced handling of the IT-Grundschutz building blocks is a matter of course for Detecon.

AI for security in administration

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful tool in IT security. AI can better address one of the biggest challenges in IT security today: the vast amounts of data created and required by modern infrastructures.

Modern AI solutions are able to gather security threat information from millions of research reports, blogs and news articles. This allows the relevant information to be automatically filtered out of a multitude of possible alerts. This significantly shortens response time and reduces human error. This methodology can give Expert:in a significant advantage in decision making.

The large amount of sensitive data that converges in the administration is increasingly becoming the focus of attackers. Anomaly detection systems based on artificial intelligence can be used to quickly detect and avert attacks. Detecon has extensive experience in consulting in the area of artificial intelligence for security and offers you experts who can provide you with excellent support in finding solutions for modern security measures.

Click here for our page  "Center for Analytical Intelligence" 

Get in touch with us

Carsten Glohr
Managing Partner