

Network planning and optimization

Our experts are constantly on standby at home and abroad to plan and optimize telecommunication networks with the help of tools. In the past years, we have designed various networks worldwide with our software system NetWorks. With NetWorks we provide powerful software solutions for analysis, planning, optimization and documentation of resources and services in telecommunication networks.

Our Services

Within the scope of our projects, the focus is always on a cost-optimized network structure, a high reliability of the network, a high transparency of the investments as well as an easy migration of the network. We support you

  • in analyzing the market and forecasting the demand for specific telecommunications services
  • in the integration of new technologies into the network planning
  • in the design of cost-optimal network structures
  • in the preparation of quantity structures for the construction and expansion of your network
  • analyzing and evaluating networks and their components in terms of performance, quality of service and reliability

The design of a new network structure or the optimal expansion of an existing network is always understood by us as part of the overall network planning process.

Our Products

Allow NetWorks to be customised to your needs.


Analyse, plan and optimise access networks based on FTTx, PON, HFC or Ethernet technologies.

To NetWorks Fixed Access


Analysis, planning and optimisation of next generation transport networks based on IP/MPLS, Ethernet and WDM/TDM technologies.

To NetWorks NG Transport


Uniform modelling of the network components of different network levels

To NetWorks TCM


Analysis of the traffic load of a large number of network elements

To NetWorks Mobile Forecast

Get in touch with us

Lutz Fritzsche
Partner, Detecon NetWorks
+49 351