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Simone Wamsteker strengthens Detecon's management team

Neues Mitglied in der Geschäftsführung

CHRO stärkt People-Belange im Top-Management

Themenkomplex Sustainability und Diversity wird weiter ausgebau

Cologne, March 16, 2021. Simone Wamsteker joins the management team of the management and technology consultancy Detecon International as Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO). The Deutsche Telekom Group-owned management consulting firm and subsidiary of T-Systems supports customers globally and across all industries in their digital transformation. As CHRO, Wamsteker has overall responsibility for Human Resources (HR) and will continue to drive forward the topics of diversity and sustainability.

"I am extremely pleased that Simone Wamsteker will be part of the management team as CHRO," says Detecon CEO Ralf Pichler. "Consulting at Detecon is first and foremost a people business. As such, I consider it all the more important that HR concerns are represented by a dedicated role at management level. Because of her extensive experience, both in consulting and in people management, Simone is ideally qualified for this position and will support us in expanding Detecon into the leading digital consultancy."

Most recently Global HR Director at the Boston Consulting Group, Wamsteker has more than 20 years of experience in consulting and HR. As a consultant at Accenture, for example, she carried out successful change management projects before switching to the HR side there, where she was Recruiting Director and HR Service Delivery Lead for the German-speaking region, among other positions.

Wamsteker sees digital transformation, Detecon's core business, and people management as two sides of the same coin. "Digitalization makes work cultures possible in which employees are individually supported in their strengths and given the space to flourish under optimal conditions - to the benefit of all," says Wamsteker. "Detecon carries this philosophy to the outside world in its consulting approach, but also lives it in its own organization. I want to strengthen this culture and further expand it in the sense of employer branding and Detecon's overall orientation toward digitization!"

In this endeavor, in addition to the further digitization of the HR function, a special focus of her work will be on the areas of diversity and sustainability. The goal here is to correspond even more closely to the values of diversity, equality, and inclusion and to shape the company in the sense of comprehensive sustainability.

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Gerhard Auer
Press Spokesperson